A Month of Miracles

They talk about manifestation.  Say that we can make it happen.  So we wait and imagine.  Indeed -- the gifts have arrived and speak to future fruition.

My work has been included in a foreseeable Spring Exhibit at The Flesherton Gallery.  Thank you so much, David.

A chance encounter with a local bookstore owner/writer and sympatico new friend, Kevin has led to my being the featured artist in the August edition of Hello Country magazine.  Chatting about my long lost hopes of a screenplay too!!

Lucky me, I had a visit from a fellow local artist, Anna-Maria, who shared her inspiration and enthusiasm for my shabby chic gallery and we've laid plans for a group show next month on the grounds here. Yeeees  Kindness incarnate.  

This day, however, recovering from 1st cataract surgery -- one more to go!  Its quite disturbing really.  Never mind.  A month to remember -- lots of love here.